Green Kinkajou legal information
Company details
Green Kinkajou Ltd
Company number: 15174688
Registered address:
124 City Road
‘Green Kinkajou’ is a registered trademark of Green Kinkajou Ltd.
Use of ‘Green Kinkajou’ to describe the design, creating, maintaining websites falls strictly under our Trademark.
Contractual engagement
Our core officers of Green Kinkajou Ltd appear on the ‘why us‘ page of this website. Green Kinkajou Ltd never engages with a client without a signed project proposal issued from one of these officers.
Passing off
Be careful who you are trading with. Green Kinkajou will always supply a project proposal detailing our company details as described above and will be issued by a core officer of the company as per our why us page.
Green Kinkajou accepts no responsibility or liability for any claim made against it for the actions of any third parties including those companies under our brand license or any franchise agreement.
Any company offering design, marketing, web or other services under ‘Green Kinkajou’ brand are explicitly not acting as agents.
Terms of business
Any company with a valid brand license or franchise agreement with Green Kinkajou Ltd to us the ‘Green Kinkajou’ registered trademark or our logo may use our standard terms of business.
Green Kinkajou Ltd will always use our standard terms of business unless explicitly defined within a contract signed by the director of Green Kinkajou Ltd.
Privacy policy
Our privacy policy is available in full here.
Specialists in digital marketing.
Promoting your business correctly gets you in front of the right people who will become your clients and customers, thus, bringing money through your doors. We cover all bases.
Ambitious clients come to us from a many different industries who’s businesses are successful. When they collaborate with us we design and implement highly creative strategies and tactics to help their businesses grow and adapt in an ever more competitive world.
Let’s start your project together, today.
We’d love to have a friendly, informal chat. Get in touch.